So I took Catherine's Challenge with Ball rolling rather literally. I've been noticing a propensity to invest myself in a situation visually, giving value to the rather mundane elements of a specific local through creating visuals of them. Isolation and juxtaposition create new imagery that (in my mind at least) gains value as an object worthy of investigation.
Part 1: Studio practice. Took a tennis ball rolled it in gesso and sent it sliding down my canvas board. Went outside to find an image to paint on top.
Part 2: Stopped on a residential street, rolled the ball down it till it stopped. Turned around until I found an interesting or mundane object, and photographed it. (Telephone Pole) Also noticed the immaculatly trimmed trees overhanging the road. Researched trimming procedures and regulatory heights. Did you know that there must be an 8 ft radius around a telephone pole that is cleared of any tree branches? Also that on a residential street, Trees overhanging a road must be no lower than 12ft, and 8ft over a sidewalk.
I am thinking about borders and required spaces for the objects that I am now creating. Are there rules about how far apart these images need to be? What happens when they break the rules? How does this contribute to either assisting or subverting narrative?
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