Today the wandering studio originators are presenting some of our findings to Linda Days 597 graduate seminar at CSULb. In taking our practice outside of the studio we have been coming up with new and creative venues for our creative practice.
One particular brainstorm which has recently worked as a springboard as collaborative thinking is the
Proposition for the Future of Art Transport
We are investigating multiple solutions to our transportation problem; moving our large works up and down the enormous hill; between our critique rooms and our studio space.
The image included here Horse Drawn Art CArt is one possible solutions we came up with. We would use the Rancho Los Alamitos and its close by barn facilities to house the horse(s) and carriage when not in use. When not being used by the grad students to move works of Art we could run a student run carriage ride service for vacationers and folks who want to relax for a $10. (plus tip) ride. The carriage ride would begin outside our studios in the courtyard which could be a makeshift day paddock for the horse. The carriage riders could also option to purchase artworks by us. This would be a great opportunity to advertise for rancho Los Alamitos and California's rich history on our diverse campus at California State University Long Beach.
Other options we have invented are include utilizing electromagnetics... wind resistance... and gravitational launches. Voting will occur tonight and the winner will be presented with a budget and plan to F. King Alexander President of CSULB. Of course.. we will present our future findings to you on wandering studio.
Thanks, that was a really cool read!
ReplyDeletezurich airport taxi