Thursday, March 12, 2009


Charlie Lima Alpha Uniform Delta India Alpha

Kilo Echo Victor India November

Juliet Oscar Romeo Delta Alpha November

Mike Alpha Tango Tango

Charlie Alpha Tango

Xray Tango India November Alpha

November Alpha Tango Echo


  1. Xray Tango India November Alpha
    reporting for duty
    i await orders

  2. charlie alpha tango, do you copy

    i'll always remember driving down to Florida with my parents and our neighbors when i was about ten (to go to Disneyworld, the Everglades). my dad and the other family's dad hooked up short wave radios and we were flipping through (only a few hours on the road, still in NJ) when we heard some truckers talking, and i paraphrase: "hey Charlie Alpha Tango, you copy? yep. what you up to? you know the usual, when I drive past through the jersey shore, i park my truck and go piss in the water."

    why do we remember things like this?
