Tuesday, March 17, 2009

TV and Art

So I'm curious what, as painters our position is to television, and to mainstream forms of entertainment. Recently I have been watching more, though I was averse to it. It seems the artists that I know are very divided on this- some seem to enjoy their particular shows, others make it a point not to have one around. I remember Rauschanberg saying something along the lines of he felt sorry for people who didn't like things- every day, consumable things, and he had a tv in his studio and it was on all the time. I guess this relates to the mass media/ pop art, versus a maybe more hierarchical separation between 'painting' and 'life' , a more sanctified or sanctimonious view of painting. I suppose there are room for both in our lives- tv and art...


  1. I feel like we are a mirror our culture. If that includes TV than so be it.
