Monday, March 16, 2009


Attn: Xray Tango India November Alpha:

Your orders (please):

I'm interested in the ways we ritualize time. Does Grace have any toys that relate to this? How do you teach her about telling time, minutes, hours, years, etc? Do you remember anything from when you were little? Any of you guys: Can you remember any toys that taught you about time?

-Charlie Alpha Tango


  1. this is off topic, but i think the game LIFE gave me this (false) conception of how one chooses a career, how much money people get paid, etc

    i don't remember any time toys but i do remember my first watch

  2. what did your first watch look like? i remember mine too... a neon swatch. pretty awesome.

  3. Time

    Grace is at an interesting point in her relationship to time. If we have not done a particular activity
    The Park
    Cook Together
    Go to the Beach etc.
    Within the last 4-5 days than she says
    we never....
    or We havent done.... in forever.

    For daily activities she most relates to the amount of light outside

    Right now Im interested in her expanding upon time from this vantage point versus pinning down the numbers on the clock.- unfortuneatly... when its dark and cloudy this can become confusing.

    but if we only have a certain amount of time we must adhere to than i often use a timer that beeps after a set time. 15 minutes or and hour.
    As for roys she does have some watchs and a clock in her room.. but they all have the wrong time.
    and when shes playing I always do the
    "ok Grace Five more minutes..... OK grace one more minute" thing... Unfortuneatly everyone knows how this time is much more relative to whats going on than to a clock.
